Player 1 : Snare Drum , Mark Tree , Maracas , Gourd , Anvil , Sizzle Cymbal , Brake Drum , Claves , Orchestra Bells
Player 2 : 2 Bongos , 4 Timbales (Hight to Low) , Claves , Hight Gong , Tubular Chimes , Xylophone , Mark Tree
Player 3 : Field Drum (Sounding G) , Castanet , Vibraslap , Gourd , Medium Gong , Midium Cymbal , Timpani , Vibraphone
Player 4 : Orchestral Bass Drum , Bass Drum with Pedal , Maracas , Triangle , Marimba C28-C76 (4oct.)
1. Forest Murmurs - for unpitched instruments.
2. The Anvil Chorus- introduces pitched instruments,beginning with the tubular chime.
3. Song without Words - quiet music for pitched instruments.
4. The Triumph of Nature - ostinato rhythms.
To Barry Jekowsky