楽章 / 使用楽器
1. Chords and Fangled Drum Set
Claves , Triangle , Conga , Almglocken (Es) , 3 Tom Tom , Orchestral Bass Drum , Suspended Cymbal
2. Interlude #1 Vibes Solo
3. Click, Clak, Clank
Guiro , Wood Block , Cow Bell , Samba Whistle , China Cymbal , Bongos , Asian Drum , Gong , Tambourine , Sizzle Cymbal , Conga , Egg Shaker , Vibraslap , Harmonica , Crotales , Crash Cymbal , Log Drum
4. Interlude #2 Marimba and Cello
Marimba C16-C76 (5oct.)
5. Tune in Seven
Marimba C16-C76 (5oct.) , Samba Whistle , Egg Shaker , Claves , Triangle , 2 Tom Tom , Conga