• Hama , Mayumi & Jang , Ae-roung - The Breath of the Tree -Works for Marimba duo by Keiko Abe (CD)
Hama , Mayumi & Jang , Ae-roung - The Breath of the Tree -Works for Marimba duo by Keiko Abe (CD)
  • 価格:1,540円(本体 1,400円、税 140円)


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01. Prism II -for Two Marimbas- プリズムII 3:27
02. Wind Sketch II -for Two Marimbas- 風紋II 5:57
03. Wind in the Bamboo Grove II -for Two Marimbas- 竹林II 5:59
04. Tambourin Paraphrase -for Two Marimbas- タンブラン・パラフレーズ 4:16
05. Wind Across Mountains -for Two Marimbas- 山をわたる風の詩 6:14
06. Reflections on Japanese Children's Songs II -for Two Marimbas-Revised Version わらべ歌リフレクションズII 9:00
07. The Breath of the Tree II -for Two Marimbas- 樹木の息吹II 4:27

Total Playing Time 39:42

All titles are performed by Mayumi Hama and Ae-roung Jang.
All titles are composed by Keiko Abe.

価格:1,540円(本体 1,400円、税 140円)


在庫 1枚
