ネヴォイシャ・ヨハン・ジヴコヴィッチ (ジブコビッチ) - アンイーヴン ソウルズ (スコア・パート譜セット)
楽譜 Percussion Ensemble > 4人
Solo Marimba : Marimba F21-C76 (4-1/2oct.)
Player 1:
Xylophone , 2 Wood Drum , 2 Tom Tom (8”or 10” and 15”) , Snare Drum , Tamtam(60cm , not too Large) , Bambus Chimes (Large) , Log Drum (not too Large but with 8 pitches) , Vibraslap , Cymbals (15”, 16”) , Crotales (C52, C#53, F57, F#58)
Player 2 :
5 Wood Block , Bongos , 2 Tom Tom (13”, 16”) , Chinese Gong , Log Drum (Small, with 4 High pitches) , 3 Cymbal (Crash 18”, 16”, 14”) , Tamtam (not too Large) , 3 Agogo (event. Cow Bell)
Player 3 :
5 Wooden instruments (chose Five exotic Wooden instruments. Standard Temple and Wood Blocks should be the LAST choice) , 2 Bongos , 2 Tom Tom (14”, 16”) , Orchestral Bass Drum , Log Drum (6 pitches) , Hornschellenkranz , Darabukka
Male Voices
Zivkovic , Nebojsa Jovan - Die Arten des Wassers for Two Piano & Percussion (スコアのみ)
Zivkovic , Nebojsa Jovan - Tak-Nara for Percussion Quartet