ジャン チャールズ・フランソワ - オブドブラ (スコアのみ)
楽譜 Percussion Ensemble > 3人
Each player should have:
Low Floor Tomtom (as low as possible, different tuned) , 2 Wooden Instruments (total of 6 different pitches) , 3 Small Chinese Bell Cymbal , 2 Small Metallic Instruments (total of 6 different pitches / timbres) , Almglocken (Large, different pitches) , 2 “clicks” , 2 “clacks”(short, lower partials, wooden sound qualities) , 2 “frictions” , 2 sounds produced by two differnt shakers
Player 1 :
Police Whistle (with a small ball inside) , Electric Fan in front of a well-stocked bunch of diverse hanging chime
Player 2 :
Straight Whistle (without the small ball) , Small Radio
Player 3 :
Whistling with the mouth , Any other Electric System (different from 1 and 2)